These are 30-day programs packed full of valuable information to help you create the new life you desire. Use the programs in the way they are written and don’t try and rush through them. Take your time and repeat at any time to gain the full benefit.
- 30 Day Programs, Anger Release
Anger Release 30 day program
- $69.95
- In this program, you will receive a night time self-hypnosis recording, a daytime self-hypnosis recording, a subliminal recording, and EFT instruction video where you will learn the powerful EFT (tapping) techniques and a PDF to explain how to use them to guide you to a place that you can release your anger and create the peaceful life you deserve.
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- 30 Day Programs, Get Over a Failed Relationship
Getting Over a Failed Relationship Complete 30 day program
- $49.95
- There is a 100% money-back guarantee Live the life you deserve by letting the past go. There is a new life waiting for you. Tomorrow is your new day.
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- 30 Day Programs, Quit Smoking
Quit Smoking 30 Day Program
- $139.99
- TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE SALE PRICE TODAY. It is less than the price of a carton of cigarettes and it comes with a money-back guarantee. You have 30 days to get a full refund if you are not satisfied. Click on the PayPal link and proceed to checkout. Or-Add to Cart and click here to return to shopping. Thank you.…
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